Headaches can be a debilitating condition that detracts from your quality of life and your ability to work and carry out daily tasks. It ranks among the top 10 most disabling disorders for the two sexes and among the 5 most disabling for women. Physical therapy can be effective in many types of headaches, including those that come from the muscles that attach to the head (tension-type headache) and those that come from the neck (cervicogenic). PT may help as a complementary treatment for migraines, but not as a primary treatment. Many patients have complex headache, a combination of 2 or more pain generators that contribute to the overall pain pattern.
Treatment at Integrative Physical Therapy emphasizes careful listening to your pain problems and developing a plan to address each of the pain generators and other complex factors that may add to your pain.
Stovner L, Hagen K, Jensen R, et al. The global burden of headache: a documentation of headache prevalence and disability worldwide. Cephalalgia 2007; 27:193-210.